CX1140LE into CX1140LG
The X1140LE large glass thyratron is being phased out and replaced by the new CX1140LG, which incorporates the following design improvements:
- The CX1140LE’s arclex and metal base cap will be replaced by flexible sealant
- The hard cement attaching the base cap will be replaced by flexible sealant
- Electrical specifications remain unchanged
- Outline specifications also remain unchanged
For more details, please see the FAQ on our website.
CX1159 into CX1159G
The CX1159 large glass thyratron is being phased out and replaced by the new CX1159G.
The new CX1159G thyratrons incorporate the same design improvements as the CX1140LG.
For more details, please see the FAQ on our website.
8503AG into 8503K
The 8503AG is being phased out and replaced by the new 8503K glass thyratron, which incorporates the following design improvements:
- The cemented anode connector will be replaced by a screw-fixed anode cap
- This new cap design is screwed and soldered on to the metal anode rod
- Use of cement will be discontinued.
For more details, please see the FAQ on our website.
8503B into 8503C
The 8503B being phased out and replaced by the new 8503C glass thyratron, which incorporates the following design improvements:
- A flexible base cap adhesive to reduce the risk of cracking of the thyratron’s glass envelope
- The cemented anode connector will be replaced by a screw-fixed anode cap
- A revised design of grid mesh for improved voltage hold-off reliability
For more details, please see the FAQ on our website.
All the above mentioned products will be commercially available within the next 2 to 3 months.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail ( or phone +64 9 4145520 or Australia freephone 1800 148 793.
With kind regards,
The AEP Linac Team