Hybrid Power

Hybrid Power - 04 Nov

Successful APTA Expo 2014

Successful APTA Expo 2014

Thank you for visiting us at our booth at the APTA Expo 2014. We had a wonderful exhibition and we hope that we informed you sufficiently about our Energy Storage Systems. If there’s still any question or remark please don’t hesitate to contact us. By email: mailto:sales@aephybridpower.com or visit our website: www.aephybridpower.com

Hybrid Power - 02 Nov

AEP Hybrid Power

AEP Hybrid Power, new name for our UCs activities. 

AEP Hybrid Power is the new name and identity for our activities in the development, design, production and distribution of energy storage, energy regeneration and electric drives systems and products. As of January 1, 2014, all activities formerly under ”Alphatron UCS” will fall under under our new name- ”AEP Hybrid Power”. While the name changed, our expertise and level of commitment remains: design, development and system integration of customer-focused ultracapacitor energy storage solutions.

 What can you expect of AEP Hybrid Power:

  • Innovation in energy storage
  • Simulation, modeling, prototyping and commissioning
  • Professional organization: almost 35 years of experience